I asked for sight, to see
not only for all that surrounds ME
but to see MYSELF truthfully.
Request granted.
am worth everything given as payment.
For these eyes, no longer blind
Children of no God.
Who will you pray to, when,
ONE returns from the other side.
Cold he is, a beautiful sight of you
has been my gift to him,
of the Children of no God, here on this
dirt of earth.
enlightenment commands man,
To See the light,
do you pray Children of no God,
and if so,
What do you pray for?
To show you, what is all around us?
To cure your blindness?
Of your ignorance,
Of your prejudice,
No, you do not.
I know this,
because that is all the One needs to
come back from across the line,
and he is not here,
standing at my side, with knowledge of
all that surrounds,
with him among us.
back to this earth he is coming
Sight is being given without your
my gift to you all.
The Children of no God
Fear him, when One who returns,
kills the ones,
that do not illuminate enlightenment
from inside their hearts.
Dark is he,
It will be, when he comes looking to
collect sin, now marked his, by the cruelty he has seen,
but if you look to your left on this
earth when One arrives,
light is collecting and crests the
horizon at the same time.
two worlds collide,
dark and light come collecting,
at the same time never seen before,
War between dark and light will
entangle us all
here on the dirt under foot, earth.
Three worlds combine for once,
everything surrounding us seen by all sides. now
I am stuck somewhere in between
light is me, this devil blue,
branded a sinner, dark as well now, so
Banished here to earth
To relive the revelation of my sin, repeatedly,
Each time not myself whole,
I am darkness I am light, never
combined as ONE seen, only each part individually.
I hurt each time they come and I am
judged laying beneath them,
as they pass by over me.
only seeing their half judgment, me
bleeding my sin for the other side of them.
that is why I lay beneath, bleeding my
sorrow and pain
they can't accept me back because of my
one sin.
So I lay beneath all others as I reside here with you,
Children of no God, and see where hate
has decided to call home.
Its all around me and that is why they
come to collect,
this sin here over and over again.
I yearn for understanding
He hates if, I think of that,
One thing he hates, all of the Children of
no God,
which makes me think of love,
which makes him unforgiving of my one
To think of understanding
To understand love,
Now to understand why hate is the
reason love does not exist in this place.
I create Hate for the Children of no God,
who have been, betrayed by those stories of faith,
none of you understanding but
following each other blindly, here
never asking for the sight to see
truthfully, all that is here surrounding,
how it is all here placed by ONE.
Is that your God or my other side of
I wait to return to this dirt, earth
The Blue Devil beneath you all, with my
sight granted to me
Is giving all sides sight, all without
Blindness cured, for all will cleanse this earth of
it s Hate to have love understood
and at my feet not hate, that eats
away at everything.
sight, to see all knowledge of each
others existence, knowledge being granted,
of what is being seen for the first
time hidden, by all that are blind.
have you started to see with my eyes, see what is out there
never seen by all, denied?
as I am an evil one and this light that
is me, granted when asking honestly after left abandoned seeps
though my skin and out truthfully, flowing out and all around.
Me, Myself and I
the other side of One see with no lies
as it does for all others like myself
out there searching.
For the way home.
Now knowing there isn't forgiveness for
every sin.
Even with sight asked for honestly and
granted truthfully.
Another's hate still stops me from
understanding love.
both sides see each other because of
me, myself,
I and devils blue from both sides,