Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Dirty Bird - A term I use for some woman in Toronto.

The Dirty Bird A Rochester, NY term for a woman simulataneously taking 3 men, one in her mouth and one in each hand. She bobs her head vigorously and flaps her arms up and down with the two dudes in her hands creating a "birdlike effect" hence the term DIRTY BIRD. "The dirty bird sounded like a good idea at the time, but after swallowing all three, I feel ashamed."



I once asked a friend "What is that on your lip?' He replied "Its a cold sore" I asked "Do you know what it is from? He replied "Its from stress" I corrected him and said "No, even one knows its from sucking dirty cock everyone knows that!" He didn't not reply, his jaw was on the floor. "I said you better close that or you might get another one"
Than a woman in the room walked over and placed her hand under his jaw to close his mouth. He finally replied "I'm straight!" She said "That's what makes it funny!" and she walked away.

Than I hear a man is that are standing with his wife on the other side of the room say to her 'What's that on your lip?" she replied 'the same thing as him" I said to him "Do you bath regularly?" He replied "Yes I do"
I stated "Weeeeeell". He looked at his with and stated "That's right! So where did you get that one on your lip from?"

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Toronto needs help

Prime Minister Harper, O.P.P Officer Hawkes, Dina and Kevin

Today my email is on the same concern I have been emailing all of you about for so long now. The attention that my old frineds and family brought to me years ago has brought every nut and vigilante group right to my door step.

Today, I do not fight for my sanity. I do not fight for my rights as a Canadian. I fight for common sense in Toronto and this country. In doing so I want to help this country not just understand just Hate but Stigma, Discrimination, Homophobia. I want common sense to be the ruling order of thought in this country. These woman are trying to influence, distract, waste people's lives and time and use very subtle ways of undermining people's lives no matter how small or big. They want to try to change the way people live their lives.

When I hear a woman yelling out over my neighbourhood and city stating "I want to be heard I have something that everyone needs to know". I take the time to listen to what she has to say. Now you can read what I hear them say.

"Woman cannot transmite HIV." I ask back how about Syphiliis? She responds "I'm not sure about that, but HIV no! The case in Germany of that woman that transmitted HIV to 5 straight men was just a fluke a one off case"

She states she won't be tested, she admits to only having unprotected sex, she goes on to say that "one of her friends " has had craps eight times, so I wouldsay she is sexually active and contracting some sexual transmitted issues. She dosen't go to the doctor she is very healthy.

She and her friends are a threat to the community. Not just for HIV transmition, but as well syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, TB etc. I am very disturbed at the thought when these woman go on in an obsessive manner about childern and sex. How they find childern so cute and young smooth boys very attractive. This I hear everyday in this city now, that is not so upseting to the thought of where these woman are going to get their fix of childern. Public Libaries, School Bus drivers, Daycare.

They are a threatr to the community. I beleive there has to be some kind health clause in jobs that surround childern. I know that CAMH has manditory testing for TB for entrance to some programs, etc. Plicwe do they I am sure they do, as TB has a strong presence in homeless shelters and pepole living on street.

As well these woman need help so do the men, childern and woman of Toronto, in being protected from this insanity.

I leave you with this, one of these woman's favorite two lines.

"What about the childern" "We have to protect the childern"

Thank-you for your time today.


Christopher Thomas Thornborrow

Monday, 29 August 2011

What a day

Started out get, than people that can't do there jobs getting your way of doing your shit...

Now my phone destroyed and in pieces on my floor......

No one bother try calling me.....

Friday, 26 August 2011

911 Artwork, handed to me on a street corner

Below is the front and back of a 911 artwork. I was standing on a street corner and a man just walked up and handed it to me and walked away. It is one of my favorites pieces I have.

911 is 911.

I was to fly to New York for work on Sept 13 of that year. I ended up driving down with a friend for two weeks of work out in New Jersey.  On Oct 13 I started to fly across the United States to work. In Chicago my Hotel was quarantined for an Anthrax scare.  My flight to Reagan Airport changed to Arlington as you could not fly to Reagan as to close to Washington itself. Marines with machine guns and FBI or CIA boarded plane after it landed in Los Angeles and just took a man and walked him onto tarmate and into black van with no windows and just drove away.
Arlington, West Virginia was my first time that I had my carry on bags not asked to be opened but swiped with little white paper discs and then then placed in a computer and than said I could go through to gate. The entire thing watched by military with machine guns and German shepherds at their sides.

What does it all mean today?

Thursday, 25 August 2011

This is so ridiculous and so Canadian

So Canadian, don't fight back, don't say anything, let someone else take care of a situation, turn a blind eye, make sure you don't stand out in a crowd.

So I am listening to people a couple blocks away, calling people Niggers and Stupid Faggots. So I let loose with a a return of what they are up to.

What do i get my roommate stays quite, than the landlord is like in a quite voice 'junior you there'  so I say ' FUCK OFF MIKE I am on the PHONE" and slam my door....."

I am so sick I raise my voice trying to stop hate speech and let people know what these woman do and I am now being told and watched by people close to me like I am the nut...

Racist and Homophobic Toronto

 I got up this morning about half hour ago, I was sitting having coffee and toast in the living room. My front window open, radio off. I saw gentleman crossing the street infront of my house from the east to west side. Than I hear a woman state look at that "N****r" crossing the street.

I am called a stupid faggot everyday in Toronto, at this point now as well.........I have to leave this city I once loved, NOW I HATE.

I am not staying in Southern Ontario I know that much, I would prefer to go State Side. When will I leave maybe tomorrow maybe a year maybe when I am 65.  When I leave this city it will be with a bad taste in my mouth, shaking my head in disbelief.


I was walking through Regent Park (Not a park, but a public housing project) about two weeks ago. I was on the East side of the street listening to all this yelling going back and forth across the city. It was "YES" about juniorBRUNA and his family. It was a screaming match going on, with all these made up stories thrown in-between. Unbelievably the main person in the drama, i will call it a conversation "ME" was not involved in the yelling, just listening. 
The women think,  no one else in the city can hear them as they are speaking to me through their psychic abilities. (LMAO).
I than hear from across the street, from a couple pushing a baby carriage. The wife states "OOh my God did I just hear what I think I heard did  he sleep with his sister's husband or he wants to" The husband state "he's not sure " They go back to listening to the story.
It was like a soap opera being played out over the city on the radio.

Yeah no one can hear any of you out there, ladies

Monday, 22 August 2011


Christopher Thomas Thornborrow                 Toronto, Ontario.                                                



Over the past twelve years, my job opportunities have given me exposure in administration, training, corporate sales and customer service. I am looking for a position that builds on these core work responsibilities.

I have worked in Canada and across the United States, which has given me the pleasure to work with many varied work ethics, co-workers and clients with varied styles. Always the main ideal was to keep in mind we all have the same goal, to work together to create a product or learning environment that had quality and integrity.

I believe that my qualifications and attitude towards teamwork, team building and the essential work environment will be an added asset to your organization.

Education  International Academy of Design.       Brock University.
                  Diploma.                                                 Honours B.A.
                  Graphic Design, 1996.                            Visual Studio Based and Art History, 1995.

Fidelity InvestmentsDedicated Client General Motors, Secondary Client Caterpillar.
July 2005 – May 2008, Toronto.
CSS Associate Health and Welfare – United States Healthcare, Greenshield Canada, International plans.
The focus of my position was to educate our customers on their healthcare options that where offered by their employer and remind them that they have partnered with a leading company. Our job was to deliver trust and confidence each and every time we had contact with the customer, client and their affiliates. As the Data Recorder Keeper of all active (employed), inactive (retired)  and ex-patriot (active employee working outside U.S.A) participant's information. We interacted actively to resolve data issues and interruptions in coverage with all vendors (Health and Life Insurance, Dependent Tuition Grants, Employee Extended Discount)

This was accomplished by anticipating customer’s needs on the phone through active listening and insuring accurate recording keeping of their personal information. The core aspects in insuring this was through our daily responsibilities. The tasks undertaken varied on a daily basis but would consist of the following aspects;

- transferring calls and conferencing specialists from insurance companies to resolve data accuracy issue.
-process transaction requests by customers according to healthcare plan rules.
-educate customers on the healthcare options available to them based on their location in country. (included enrollment into healthcare plans, Life Insurance, adding and removing dependents. Ending of benefits and education of Government extended Insurance (COBRA), including enrollment into this Health Plan)
-resolve XTRAC work items or data problems, redirecting or escalating them as necessary.
-supply requested literature and forms to customers, clients and vendors.

Marcus Evans Pharmaceuticals. Life Sciences.
February 2004 – June 2005, Toronto.
Senior Sales Executive.
Marcus Evans is one of the world’s leading business information companies, presenting over 1000 strategic conferences and summits worldwide. My position focused on the Life Sciences Division: mainly pharmaceutical companies in the American and Canadian market.

My correspondence was with top executives – mainly CFO’s, CIO’s and VP’s of Marketing – initially through telephone contact: following up with email. A strong understanding over a range of specific and very technical areas was required to establish business relationships with the key decision makers. Developing an understanding of the customer’s business needs and future requirements was always the main objective.

My main focus was to register executives to attend the conferences or summits as delegates. Over my employment I worked on projects covering a range of areas in the Life Sciences, as well the Patriot Act and CFO Canadian Summit. A steep continuous learning curve was required in the constant upgrading of my knowledge in these areas to achieve a successful outcome.

Dendrite InternationalClient Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Inc.
September, 2001 – October, 2003, Morristown, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Trainer/Facilitator – on contract.
In a classroom setting I instructed pharmaceutical sales representatives on the software/hardware they would use when they are in the field calling on doctors. This consisted of a specific software application (Sherlock 3.1) designed for their daily working needs. The learning process also consisted of an overview and best practices of they’re hardware, which consisted of the IBM I22 laptop and Compaq IPAQ hand held computer.

I worked from a detailed training script, containing all aspects of the software. Included in the script were detailed trainer notes and suggestions on training style to keep the class involved during the training sessions.

The length of the training sessions varied, one to four days depending if the sales representatives were new hires or an already existing sales force upgrading their skills.

Training sessions took place in numerous cities across the United States. As a result I did not work with the same training team every session. This resulted in a need for open dialogue with whom ever the team was at the time. A strong sense of teamwork was needed at all times to provide the best learning environment.

Kenmara Inc. / Pink Pages Phone Directory
June, 2000 – May, 2001, Toronto, Ontario.
Office Manager / Sales Coordinator
The company specialized in selling ad space in medical journals, university yearbooks and handbooks across Canada.

My main objective was to maintain an effective, efficient office, where all paperwork was done in a timely manner and deadlines were always met. Included was the interviewing of new staff and training them on office policy and procedures. I trained new employees on invoicing, account receivables and collection of past due accounts.

I would track the sales of the team on all projects to make sure sales targets were met on time. To help the sales team meet their goals, I would research sources and contacts for potential clients. I would follow-up with clients regarding ad sizes and which would be the appropriate ads to be run in publications.

Over time I implemented a new filing system for publications and the artwork received both by hardcopy and softcopy. This was to aid sales representatives with a fast and easy reference during sales calls.
Additional Responsibilities
-Proof reading.
-Presentations to clients, reviewing contracts.

HMV Canada Superstore
August 1997 – October, 1999, Toronto, Ontario
Administration Supervisor
I worked in the Administration office handling all cash related responsibilities for the store. This consisted of the daily cash deposit for each individual cashier and the store itself. A detailed report was given regularly on a daily basis of all movement of cash in and out of the location.

I dealt with new hire packages, including reference checks, filling out packages with new employees, (ie social insurance information benefit packages etc.). I also head hunted new employees, interviewed and dealt with termination of employees.

Along with this the department oversaw all cashiers including the hiring and training of proper cash handling procedures and cash machine operation. This included the daily supervision of cashiers and support dealing with customer requests and concerns.


Christopher Thomas Thornborrow

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Two address I don't like in Toronto this morning

So i am up at 7am to make some breakfast. I start with getting a frying pan out the a flipper (I don't know how to spell spalicla, LOL)
Than I hear a woman, state. "Oh My God, I just have to tell you this, he is so stupid, no ,  no I have to tell you this. He has placed his plastic (i call it a flipper) on the stove element.  Its not the one he has turned on, but what if he did he is so stupid."

So I have the drape in front of me closed so the people right next door can't see. I have placed my toast oven on top of fridge to block another neighbor, I have placed a huge mirror in the front window so most of it is closed off, so now which two houses can see through ., either there is camera in my house or its from the people in

250 Greenwood Ave
32 Bloomfield

by the way I was making grilled cheese now I am hungry again

Thursday, 18 August 2011

August 18-2011

I am inspired by this man's voice.........Robert F. Kennedy.

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

August 17th - 2011

A friend once came to me and asked me a couple questions if these odd things where happening to me as well in Toronto.

#1. He asked have you ever sat in your apartment and it sounds like there is group of people yelling or talking outside and than you stick your head out the window, go on your balcony or go outside and there is no one there and it is all quite?  I said yes.

#2. You are shopping or in a coffee shop and you go to go to the washroom and you here, "He is entering the washroom or he is leaving the store."  I said yes.


Tuesday, 16 August 2011

August 16th - 2011

With this comes responsibility.
Responsibility is why we have it.
The more responsible you are, the more responsibility,
is placed on your shoulders.
Blame is always placed on the responsible,
We had the strength to carry the responsibility,
those weak irresponsible people (criminals)

"Get off"

by not bearing the responsibilities,
we all bear, not just to themselves,
but pass it onto others,
to carry,

this responsibility


Monday, 15 August 2011

Monday, 8 August 2011

Some the rewriting of BloodSICK.

This is the start of the play now there are three woman talking, one woman is off in corner in a daze other two are talking.

BloodSICK - the psychopath and a gaggle of boys and girls
BloodSICK, A Psychopath and a Gaggle of Boys and Girls

Kate Bush....Prelude and Prologue (Album AERIAL)
You'll all go crazy, You'll all go crazy
2:33 time
3:04 time
rewrite of words
like the light of eternity,
lost its magic now.

(three woman speaking)

She doesn't know if she has it.
You were suppose to keep your mouth shut about her.
She doesn't know..., why are you talking about her.
But, I am starting to worry, not about her but what she is doing,
how it will affect me.
You mean us?
No me, I'm not sure if I should have said something,
now it might be to late, I think I might be in shit.
You weren't suppose to tell anyone,
Just stop talking about her.
Its not a crime, 
you pigs.......its all their fault
leave her alone,
let be over there
I won't give you her name, she's doesn't know if she got it
its not her fault.
They lie, everyone lies, I know, I know, 
she doesn't know - a thing
No, I know more than you think, she's fucked  if she has it or not. 
She's pissing off the wrong ones,
she only knows that someone she slept with before came up positive, before.
How does she know that, how do we know that, There it is .... how do we answer that question
Oh, fuck you, lies, lies.....that's what has us standing here
you pigs, its all your fault,
look, look, pigs, pigs
Will you stop saying that, 
who are you yelling at.
oink, oink, oink, oink
Fucking stop it,
smell my shit!   ( is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything)
you are nuts bitch.

(Words do not seem to have the same meaning for them as they do for us.
even grasp the meaning of their own words)

whoa ass mee
i have to, go, to, jail
whoa ass mee
nobody, likes, me
whoa ass mee
my mother hates me,
Whoa as mee

You are way ahead of yourself.....over there

Saturday, 6 August 2011

not in the dark anymore about who it is

so it is just my family doing this to me and a couple friends from high school.