Thursday, 26 July 2012

Name Number #1 and more

Rosanne L.
Michelle O.
Lisa C.

Ann T.
Kenny T.

Somehow the people are using names from my High School and Family. Kenny T. is someone I have not seen since I was a child a cousin of my father's that one came out of nowhere.

How do I know its my family, they used a child hood nickname my aunt Mary H. (mother's identical twin sister) use to use ..."Tweety Bird"

Becky K.

All you should and will ever get from me is, Myself standing in your livingro6oms while I piss in the middle of your rugs, stating you all deserve to be dead and leave your last memory of me, keying your cars as I walk down your driveway......only my backside left for you to see. That is even to much effort for any of you.

Rick D.

I have been followed out of the city, followed every place I go in this city. Last night they were a bit slow showing up but they made it there before left.
I sit at home with music load so I can't hear them outside. Now I have them yelling for me to turn down my music, WHY? So they can hurl insults, that I can here.
"He is just a stupid faggit"
"I know what you are doing in there and you make me sick, you are a disgusting person"

Wonder why I have my music so load I can barely think.

Picture of myself in Dining Room

Sunday, 22 July 2012

So my weekend.

Its started off not that bad. Thought I would hit the few spots that I seem to get to much attention, good and bad.
Went to a gay gathering place to use the facilities, sauna, shower, relax LOL...first night, totally fine, thought wait a minute, went back and had a handle full of condoms left at the foot of my door.
Went to another gay gathering place, (Dark, very dark inside) went in afternoon, totally fine, thought wait a minute went back at about 5am, disgusted at what went on and had the pleasure of the blonde bitch, cunt, manager that pushed me out the door once give me a dirty look when I walked out.
Then went cycling, had yelled at me "there's the faggiiiiiiitt"

names should I start to post the names these people say they are? I will have to think about that and my next post may have the names they use.


Wednesday, 18 July 2012

email today

Prime Minister Harper,

On my blog I have received one comment sent more than once. I deleted it from the blog but it is in the archive.

" This site might help you Identify the yelling you have written about. Good luck I wish all the best. Signs and tests There are no medical tests to diagnose schizophrenia. A psychiatrist should examine the patient to make the diagnosis. The diagnosis is made based on a thorough interview of the person and family members. The doctor will ask questions about: How long the symptoms have lasted How the person's ability to function has changed Developmental background Genetic and family history How well medications have worked Brain scans (such as CT or MRI) and blood tests may help to rule out other disorders that have similar symptoms to schizophrenia. on Since my last post

Sounds like someone from Toronto to me. Just another insult, I receive them daily anyways now. The daily death threats if i do not keep my mouth shut have stopped, but you never know they do pop up here and there once and awhile. (Yes, an Officer with 52 Division after taking the time to listen to me said he would report them for me when he return to the station. That was just before I was banned from Toronto City Hall for as year.)
Unfortantantly, mental illness does not run in my family. I have had MRI and CAT scans done, for unrelated precaution. (I am very proactive about my heathcare). So to the sadnes to most people that know my name I am not mentally unstable.


Christopher Thomas Thornborrow

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

email this morning

Prime Minister Harper,

Today I am emailing you, as I need a person with a level headiness to themselves, to take a look at what is going on in Toronto. Today on the front page of a commuter paper (Toronto Metro) there is a story that helps in clarifying my concern. A Police Officer was arrest on a slew of charges which included illegal weapons and a domestic incident. He has been ordered to undergo a psych evaluation. Why is it Toronto's first step is send anyone in for a psych evaluation? The man most likely is a gun collector,some illegal, yes but an avid collector sometimes can't resist certain pieces, even a police officer. They are still just human. He probably just needs some anger management , totally different than a psych evaluation and no stigma attached to that course of action.
I have spent two years pulling these people that got me landed in jail, maybe facing a psych evaluation as well. But unknowingly to all, I am one smart man, that stands up for himself and I got around that little issue. Who recommended this evaluation of my mental state? Anyone with a psychology degree, I imagine no., I was asked one question after I was taken into custody, Who is my next of kin? Sorry to say the police got that wrong. I was told it was my mother. No it would have been my legal husband at the time.
From that interview I was deemed to have mental issues. No, I was just really pissed off, really pissed of sometimes looks like crazy, There are alot of pissed off people in this city and I have dragged these woman and  few men kicking and screaming into the open to prove my sanity. They are just the little bit of agitation that i feel is pushing some people over the edge. Their constant yelling over the city, of not just hate, but , "Fuck you oh fuck off, fuck fuck,fuck I hear yelled all day long......

Two years of my life to prove that my IQ is above average and I am not mentally unstable, no one should have to take that much time out of their life to prove that. Please, I want and need a level headed person from outside of Toronto to take a look at this city closely.

Thank you for your time again.

Christopher Thomas Thornborrow

Thanks to the two people currently on my blog as I post this morning for checkiing it out.

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Monday, 16 July 2012

I would like to thank everyone that has come to check out my blog and return to check it out more than once. Thanks for having me break the 2000 view mark.


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Sunday, 15 July 2012


The Canada I was told as a child and held close to my heart all my life has just been a lie. I have been lied to my entire life about the place I call home. The country that fights for people's human rights not just internally but around the world has been a smoke screen.  The country that let people live free, a place that welcomed slaves from the United States, war disertors, people that if they lived openly in their countries would be jailed, hung or stoned to death. Now lets HATE run rampant in one of its largest now small town minded cities.
Hate, something so blunt. I tried to understand HATE. To try to help not only myself, but others that were not strong enough to carry its burden.  To carry the judgments of others by coming forward and having their life examined with a magnified glass.
Hate, I found out. is something you can't understand. Not only the person that carrrys HATE, but HATE itself. When you try to understand HATE, It feels like you are banging your head agaisnt a brick wall and no matter how much it hurts you keep trying to understand, try to reason with it. Until you finally knock yourself unconsious and you wake up in a daze. Look around and think were the hell am I? I do not recongize these surroundings and you don't even reconize yourself anymore. The reflection in that mirror is skewed, altered by someone other than yourself, by something blunt and and inhuman.

That is what HATE does to someone exposed to it daily.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Totally unrelated to this Blog.....or is it.

My Uncle had one of these, I remember when I was a very young kid seeing this and thinking this car is fantastic.

1974 Gremlin

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Couple photos from last night

I broke my camera last weekend, so had to buy a new one last night. Here are a couple shots from me roaming the streets last night got home around 5:30 this morning.

emailed two seconds ago still in his inbox. or the RCMP's whatever

Prime Minister Harper,

Can you answer this question, Who do I ask for help, I am called a Faggot everyday by my neighbors, no big deal, for me...others maybe.....(suicide perhaps is it not one of the leading deaths among gay teenagers?). Well, a Toronto Police Officer called me a faggot during my You could call it an arrest, so I don';t think I will turn to them. Fantino after a lengthy time emailing him switched jobs so I guess he's out as well........

Hate Crime....why are these laws never used and people taken to trail, most aren't reported, but by your own stats Canada Hate Crime is on a huge upswing in Canada every year going up as much as 50% higher than the year before.........

Forgive me, if my lifestyle, actual my life is changed forever by these people that knew what they where doing all along. Going out there and purposely trying to destroy someone's life....Man sounds a lot like that disclosure thing that gets men 6 years and on a sexual offenders list, that has a 100% conviction rate....oh yeah I am a man...and its bitch cunt woman doing it to me........thanks

Oh...i guess I  should as mention the invasion of privacy, Stalking, and peeping tom issue with these woman...oh and their scat fetish.....One that I am so happy top have to endure every fucking day of my apologies for the language or grammar or spelling....I would say eat shit  ...but I do respect you to much for that, and it is just to end with a punch line....laugh...I won't to throw up...

later PM


Christopher Thomas Thornborrow
(juniorBRUNA and sometimes known as VIRUS)

The RCMP have my number if you want it

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Gay Pride

I avoided Gay Pride like the Plague this year as I have done the last few years. It wasn't becuase of the crowds of drunk people, or the noise. It was becuase I having nothing to be proud of in this gay community. A community that holds close to its bossom some of the Haters agaisnt me, and puts myself and others like me beyond an arms reach.
You say Pride in myself? I have not accomplished what I set out to do a  few years ago, so no not today in that regard.

Pride, This community and city should hang its head in shame. You have or will be a black mark on our country if this is not acknowledge at some level.

I spent this weekend n ot with people from Toronto, but a couple of men from Montreal.